Thank you for taking me on this unforgettable journey. I feel like I’ve come a little closer to myself again. Over time, from one session to the next, I noticed that I can be more mindful with myself and that the behavior that has been bothering me for years can improve.
I really liked your open manner and your acceptance, encountering without prejudice. I appreciated that you were always very mindful, very sensitive, and very respectful with me, and yet you opened up important and not easy areas and went there with me.
I liked your gentle voice and the calmness you radiate. I felt your full attention and that you are truly present and interested in what is happening.
I could trust you very quickly and show myself as I am. And being as I am has sometimes surprised me very positively. I discovered aspects of myself that pleasantly surprised me. I didn’t think I had so much positivity in me and that I am open to seeing and living it. Furthermore, I believe in being creative again and that I could achieve much more if I just had less fear and listened more to my body. I believe that my mind is a cheerful and creative one — I just have to allow it and give it space. We created that space in the Hakomi sessions, and I would love to find more such spaces in my life. Thanks to Hakomi with you, I know it’s possible. Thank you so much!
It was also very important and valuable to venture into the dark areas, to stay there briefly, to feel that heaviness and to endure it — knowing that I am not alone and that I can safely come out again.
I could experience my inner child for the first time from such a close perspective — for that, I am infinitely grateful to you (the current me and the little me as well :)
When I recall our sessions today, I smile inwardly, feel the positive energy, warmth, and gratitude that I could learn so much about myself. The journey with you was one of the most valuable experiences in my life so far, and the memory of some special, surprising, and sometimes even crazy moments will probably stay with me forever. Thank you for this gift, for getting to know you and the beautiful world of Hakomi with you.
— Sylwia - (34) - HR Specialist
I went on a Hakomi-journey (5 sessions) with Odin, and it was such a beautiful, healing experience. I have been able to deepen my understanding in the language of my body. With his infinite curiosity and gentle approach, he guided me into a subconscious field where I could let go of some old stories, and have the courage to open up for a new way. It was even a lot of fun at times. Thanks a lot Odin!
— Nina - (34) - Actrice
Odin has a wonderful skill to hold space for what is. He was an insightful companion on my journey to more acceptance. Working with him shed a light on me being almost constantly in opposition to the present. He enabled me to look inside without trying to fight against myself. So grateful for all the insights I gathered after I allowed myself to be. 
— Jo - (37) - Diversity & Inclusion Specialist
Odin guided my first experience on psychedelics. I felt very safe and well-prepared because of the preparation sessions. During and after the journey, Odin supported me in a very gentle way in the process of my own meaning making. For me, it was a new experience that my own truth was valued and heard. To me, this was life-changing and supported me further in my newfound direction in life. It was an immense gift to have such a well-attuned guide during this process.
— Minne - (24) - Bachelor of politics